hai!~ ok, so, what do i think of Berryz Koubou's 20th Double A-side single??^^
LOVE IT!~ in the seishun bus guide PV, I really like the concept where Berryz Koubou's dressed up like boys and has a crush on the tour guie xDD it was reall cute^^
I think Momoko and Chinami did awesome guys xDD Risako was cute^0^
and the dance looks aweseom xDD
Here's the PV for Seishun Bus Guide
ok, so, what about the other A-side of the single? Rival~ ITS AWESOME xDD in YT, a lot of people said tat they liked Rival more than Seishun Bus Guide, well, for me, I cant choose xDD maybe i like te song Rival more than seishun bus guide, bu i like the PV of Seishun Bus guide more xDD i mean, the PV of Rival was REAL CUTE^0^ they had so many sweets in the PV^^ and~ they had some Hula Hoop scenes which was cute too^^ and when captain was "crying" they had fake tears hold up xDD watch the PV!~
So here's the Link for the PV for Rival
This is definetly one of Berryz Koubou's Best singles~since the release of Tsukiatteru no ni Kataomoi, Which was their ast release in 2007, 2008-2009(Feb) Berryz Koubou released singles which were very weird and funny xD Like Dschinghis Khan, Yuke Yuke Monkey Dance and MADAYADE~ xDD those songs and PV, especially Monkey Dance, were very funny and cute^0^ and some BK fans complain, ow come BK doesnt get serious songs anymore? and C-ute gets the serious songs like, Namida no Iro, Edo no Temari Uta and FOREVER LOVE, but jsut this Marc (I think) BK releasd their 19th single which was "Dakishimete Dakishimete" and it Kicked ASS!! xDD the and PV were way cool!~ and they looked so mature^0^
That was one of BK's Best single and PV yet^0^ and some say that it was better than C-ute's ;atest release, BYE BYE BYE, where Kanna was absent at the PV and the dance in the instrumental part was weird xDD but, dont get me wrong~ I LOVE C-ute^0^ since both C-ute and BK are form H!P Kids and they are both like close friends xD i just like berryz more^0^ so!~ after this long speech xDD im ending it with~~~
"Haru ko nee~"