hai~ ok, so, chii sometimes get bored, and have nothing to do, so, i tried making siggie's^^ but i doubt that its as good as ame's or suki's or aurora's siggies~ they're really good^^ , so here are some of my siggies, that i created recently^^
yeah, i lobves yuukarin and kanyon^^
another siggie xDD i only make for myself since im not really good^^
here are siggies that aurora made for me^^

Aurora's really good nee??^3^
here are other siggie's i made, from before^^
with an avvie xDD
I made this kanon siggie xDD
here'a a suzuki airi siggie and avie i made^3^

its not really good xDD
oh!~ this aibon siggie was made really crappy x|
haha!~ i made a lot of crappy siggies nee??^^ here's more xDD
i love this momoko siggie and avie^^

and here's the first ever siggi and avie i ever made^^

hehe :3 me lobves it^^ i only used this and my momoko siggie and avvie~ i made a lot but i only used these two xDD
here's another airi avie and siggie i made^^

i also used this two for a diff. forum^^ i think that was twilight legend^^ anyway~ haha :3
just posted some of my works here^^
I hope you enjoyed my crappy photo editing^^ thank you!~

here are siggies that aurora made for me^^

Aurora's really good nee??^3^
here are other siggie's i made, from before^^
with an avvie xDD

here'a a suzuki airi siggie and avie i made^3^

its not really good xDD
oh!~ this aibon siggie was made really crappy x|

i love this momoko siggie and avie^^

and here's the first ever siggi and avie i ever made^^

hehe :3 me lobves it^^ i only used this and my momoko siggie and avvie~ i made a lot but i only used these two xDD
here's another airi avie and siggie i made^^

just posted some of my works here^^
I hope you enjoyed my crappy photo editing^^ thank you!~