hai, ok, so again, its been a while since i updated my blog x| gomen xP anyway~ i just saw a video of Micchi,Ina and Shinju togehter in cebu^^ awwwww, i cant wait till micchi and inapi comes here in Manila^^ i hope shinju can come too :3 anyway, here some more random photos of me and my friends^^ we were having our library orientation :3 and i finally got to wear my uniform!~^^
yeah :3 we got bored and we had nothing to do but take pictures during the orientation xDD
nyahaha xDD that's me in my uniform^^ haha!~
my hair was still long during this time ^^ i cut my hair last july 3 *showing of ice age 3 xDD its sop funny!!!~ already watched it^^* and it was so short xDD just like Miyabi's hair lenght^^ only mine is layered a little^^

but i still dont have a picture of it^^ haha!~ maybe i'll post it sometime this week^^
yeah, that's bubut^^ we have the same bag,almost the same height, both half-spanish,both have light brown hair, both small, and, i think that's it xDD
and since we have so much in common xDD we have lots of pictures together :3
see, tha same bag xDD mine's cleaner xDD and im a little taller than her :3
The only diff. is, she has curly hair and i have straight hair^^

me lobve this pic so much!!!~^0^ its meccha kawaii ya~~~~^3^
and this pic also^^ haha!~ my skirt ish be short xDD i wanted it short so it can remind me of Nishimachi International~ that was my school in Japan for a year^^*for those who didnt know* our skirt in NI was just like that lenght^^
and, our shoes are bother flat, well mines flatter xDD
~~And, we ate at Pizza Hut!~^^ during our break^^

nyahahaha!~ that's me xDD
so anyway~ for those who are wondering why you dont see boys in my pics becuase Miriam is an all girl school^^ and Miraim's old name was "Mary-knoll" its so cute right??^^ so people call us, "knoller" haha!~ kawaii ^0^
So, that's it for now^^ jaa!~
but i still dont have a picture of it^^ haha!~ maybe i'll post it sometime this week^^
and since we have so much in common xDD we have lots of pictures together :3
me lobve this pic so much!!!~^0^ its meccha kawaii ya~~~~^3^
and, our shoes are bother flat, well mines flatter xDD
nyahahaha!~ that's me xDD
so anyway~ for those who are wondering why you dont see boys in my pics becuase Miriam is an all girl school^^ and Miraim's old name was "Mary-knoll" its so cute right??^^ so people call us, "knoller" haha!~ kawaii ^0^
So, that's it for now^^ jaa!~