so, i found this
site from
inapi's blog links,
PuriCute :3 its a cute website where you can
design your pictures and make it into a
sticker o3o they have this super cute
stickers and
borders that you can add to a picture from your computer :3 i only did 1 since i was too lazy xP and i was also finishing mixing
My Boy. I suck at
mixing, well, the volumes at least, some mic's are too soft and its hard to make it louder.

And some mic's make too
much noise or has a lot of noise in the background. And its

hard to remove it without the mic sounding like a can xD
Anyway, just
finished mixing My Boy now x3 and im uploading it to
yesh! we are going to watch G.I Joe later :3
banzai!! x3 i cant wait x3
oh! and before i forget, here's the picture that I
"puricuted" a while ago :3

haha! isnt it cute?? :3 this is actually taken last
June something something xD

this is one of my fave pictures :3
ou should go try it too :3 here's the
link to the
PuriCute site :3
Ok! so, aside from this Puricute, i also made my
magazine cover :3 im now a
candy mag
cover girl!
Haha! well, me and my friend :3 its hard to choose a photo without all those
"celebs" thingy xDD
ok, so, got to go! :3