Nico nico chorus!

gawsh!~ i love Nico nico chorus!!~ or Vocaloid Chorus!~ their not actually vocaloids~ just people who sing vocaloid songs in groups~ and use diff. Vocaloid pictures with their name~ my fave. nico nico chorus singer is Nimo and Non!~ their voices are so cute!~~ my fave. Nico Nico Chorus is of course~ Romeo and Cinderella~ the 8 girls version, and the 8mix version(4 girls 4 boys) Yoppei was awesome there!~ i also like Magnet, boys edition~ OMG you guys should hear it too~ i think my ear was bleeding when i was listening to it~ their voices are so damn sexy!~ im going to post the video of the three songs from Nico Nico chorus~

Here's the video of Nico Nico Chorus R0meo and Cinderella [Girls Version]

naaahh!~ its amazing nee??~~ Nimo and Non are so cute!~ by the way~ in other Nico chorus songs, they dont use the same character pictures so yeah~

Here's the video for Romeo and Cinderella 8mix version [Yoppei!~]

Yoppei sings like he's drunk!~ which i love!!~
and last but not least, here's Magnet, Boys Edition~
Make your ears bleed!~

naahh!~ this ish be damn sekshy!~ nyahaha!~

So, done with my Vocaloid update!~ now going to S/mileage's 2nd Indie single!~
the title ish be long~~~
Asu wa DEETO na no ni Ima Sugu Koe ga Kikitai

nee~~ super long~ unlike their first single "aMa no Jaku" so short~
anyway~ here's a preview of their second indie single!~

its so cute nee~ but how come they didnt include Kanon's solo!?~~ i wanted to hear her solo!~
*sigh* guess i'd have to wait for the whole preview to come out~

their loli dresses are so cute!~ i really cant wait for the PV to come out!~ Kanon always has the most simple dress, or accessory~ which is ok since simple is the best!~

ok, got to go now~~
