its so cute!~

anyways~ here's the PV preview~ i hope the PV comes out soon~

nee its so cute~~ oh and besides that~ the cover for this single is also released!~
Here's the cover for the single~

Isnt it lovely~ but you cant see their cute Lolita outfits

haha!~ so, now~ im done ranting about S/mileage~ i'll rant about me and Inapi's Vocaloid duet!~
Its not done yet~ but she's learing the song already~ the song we will sing is Romeo and Cinderella!~ so, if you notice some Nico Nico Chorus videos~

here's the Inapi's representing picture

I wrote "Ina" ~ yeah~i was going to add designs~ but i got lazy xD im npot sure who Inapi's favorite Vocaloid is~ so i used Miku~ since Miku is popular

Mine~ i used Rin!~

nee~ please help me choose!~ the first or second one~haha!~ i really like both~ haha!~
So, please look forwad to Inapi and Chii's first duet!!~

gots to gos!~
peace out!~