Ok~ so~ im a little over about my suspension in YT~ but!~
remember the pictures i told you about last time~ well~ Im going to show you some of it now~ cause there are 81 pictures~ and i dont want to flood my blog~
Anyway~ before I show you the pictures~ one of my friends~ Frans~ celebrated her birthday last friday~ and~ the whole group (we're 10 in our group/"barkada") were supposed to go to zambales~
unfortunately~ i wasnt allowed~ and so were 7 of us~ only 3 of them went to zambales~ and they said it was cho beautiful! and they drew our names on the sand~

The ones who went to zambales didnt write their names there~ (Frans,Sarah,Sam)
yep~ I'm Kyla!~
haha~~ We all wished we were there~
Anyway~ Here are some of the pictures I was telling you about~
There's me!!~ the one who looks like she's shouting~ well~ kinda~ haha!~

We think we're trapped inside~ I think this pic is cute~
Peace ya'll!~

I also like this picture~ i think this is cute too~ haha!~ and the one's who were taking the picture also posed~ cause you can see their reflection~
And~ aside from the pictures~ lets move back to YouTube~
I have re-uploaded the 2 duets me and Inapi sang~ (Minna no Tamago and Shugo Shugo)
I also re-uploaded my Kimi ni Todoke Fandub~(but i didnt include the OP video~ i just used a picture cause i think that's the reason why i got suspended~ when i click the old video~ that's posted here on my blog~ it said it was copyrighted by someone~)
And~ I made a fandub preview of S/mileage 3rd indies Suki Chan!~
cause the whole song is not out yet~ so its just the chorus preview~
Here it is!~
I was going to make an instrumental~ but i was too lazy
anyway~ in this song~ I HOPE kanon get's a whole bunch of lines!!~ she should be one of the lead -biased xD-
anyway~ I tried to sound like all of them and i recorded twice~
Oh~ I went to the mall with my friend Bam~ and I saw this really cool Naruto earphones in Comic alley!~ I didnt buy it a while ago since i thought my mom would scold me~ I asked her about it and she said I could totally buy it!

so~ im coming back for it this week~
So~ yeah~ That's about it in this blog~

Anyway~ before I show you the pictures~ one of my friends~ Frans~ celebrated her birthday last friday~ and~ the whole group (we're 10 in our group/"barkada") were supposed to go to zambales~

The ones who went to zambales didnt write their names there~ (Frans,Sarah,Sam)
yep~ I'm Kyla!~

Anyway~ Here are some of the pictures I was telling you about~

We think we're trapped inside~ I think this pic is cute~

I also like this picture~ i think this is cute too~ haha!~ and the one's who were taking the picture also posed~ cause you can see their reflection~

And~ aside from the pictures~ lets move back to YouTube~
I have re-uploaded the 2 duets me and Inapi sang~ (Minna no Tamago and Shugo Shugo)
I also re-uploaded my Kimi ni Todoke Fandub~(but i didnt include the OP video~ i just used a picture cause i think that's the reason why i got suspended~ when i click the old video~ that's posted here on my blog~ it said it was copyrighted by someone~)
And~ I made a fandub preview of S/mileage 3rd indies Suki Chan!~

Here it is!~

I was going to make an instrumental~ but i was too lazy

anyway~ I tried to sound like all of them and i recorded twice~
Oh~ I went to the mall with my friend Bam~ and I saw this really cool Naruto earphones in Comic alley!~ I didnt buy it a while ago since i thought my mom would scold me~ I asked her about it and she said I could totally buy it!

So~ yeah~ That's about it in this blog~