OMG!~ Tsunku just announced that S/mileage will be graduating from EGGS and will become an official group in Spring 2010!~
Omg omg!~ this is cho happiness!~
im cho happy for all of them~ especially kanon!!~
(biased xD)-shot-
Here's a picture of it~ Tsunku looks so big!

Unya!~ they're wearing their outfits in Suki Chan!~ ah~ im so happy for them!~
they deserve it!~

Here's a picture of them after the announcement~
Sakitty's crying!~ and Kanon's nose look red~ and is dawa crying???~ Yuukarin looks cho surprised!~
Im really cant wait for they're first Major debut single~ maybe Suki Chan is their last indie single~ I hope so~ they already released 3 indie singles~ they should debut soon~
Anyway~ I got this info~ and picture from Inapi's blog!~ sankyuu inapi!~
and also~ a Happy Happy birthday to my good friend Maxeene!~ Outanjobi Omedetou!~
Ja~ im still forcing my mom to go watch new moon right now~

Here's a picture of it~ Tsunku looks so big!

Unya!~ they're wearing their outfits in Suki Chan!~ ah~ im so happy for them!~

Here's a picture of them after the announcement~

Im really cant wait for they're first Major debut single~ maybe Suki Chan is their last indie single~ I hope so~ they already released 3 indie singles~ they should debut soon~
Anyway~ I got this info~ and picture from Inapi's blog!~ sankyuu inapi!~

and also~ a Happy Happy birthday to my good friend Maxeene!~ Outanjobi Omedetou!~
Ja~ im still forcing my mom to go watch new moon right now~
