So, yeah, im just totally bored to death right now~ and making this case study crap is really tiring my mind!~ well~ im also torn up about something~ i first created a Wordpress blog~ but it was hard to use and hard to make layouts with~
but! seeing cynna's and steff's wordpress blog~ that's the kind of look i want for my blog~ and i cant find any blogger layout that looks similar with the wordpress one that i always wanted~ but unfortunately~ i cant find anything~
but~ im satisfied with my layout right now~

Bam!~ thanks so much leaving love in the tagboard!~ LOVE YOU
(yeah~ im sweet)
-shot- well~ we're both having a hard time with our case studies~ at least i am~ anyway~ if any of you can tell me tips on how to make case studies~ then I love you forever!

right now~ im totally pooped~ bored,tired,confused,frustrated~
gawsh~ right now~ im listening to SHInee songs~ i love their Stand by me~
cause i also love Boys over Flowers~ i actually like the korean version better than the japanese one~
even though Jun Matsumoto was so cute as Domyouji(Gu jun pyo)~ the korean made it so much greater and have lots of cute guys~ Kim bum is love!~ i love kim bum!

Going back to other topics~ my best friend bam~ yeah~ we were chatting in my tagboard a while ago~ and i kept forcing her to make her own blog
~but she says she's too lazy~

ok~ here's something useful to say~ Im watching UAAP volleyball right now~ its Ateneo VS. UP~
and I just saw my old classmate Angeli Araneta in the UP team~ playing!~ i was shocked! i had no idea she was studying in UP~

well~ now im over my shockness. I knew she was a great player, she even got featured in a magazine one time.

my ranting and complaining ends here.