So, last November 28~ we went to our exposure~ our grouping was by friends so it wasnt hard to cooperate with each other~
we went to INSA park 7~ its a small community where people are "poorer" and we were sent there for a day to donate some food, school supplies,clothes and toys~ actually~ it was really fun!~
we were assigned to different families in the park 7 community~ and me and my partner Bam~ were assigned in a small house with 3 kids~ and they're names were Wesley, Remi, and Alqing~ i think they were adorable kids~ when we were about to leave~ wesley wont let go of my leg~ he kept telling me he wanted to come too and he was crying~
I miss them~
anyway~ here are some pictures~
This was taken during our assembly time~ before we were going to leave~ since the place was really close to our school~ we only rode a jeepney on the way there and back to school~
our call time was 7 am~ and we left at 8~ we finished at 3 pm~ here are our other photo's~
We were at the community already~ in they're small chapel~ this was when they were assigning us to our foster family~
There's my partner Bam~ and the little girl is Remi~ and the boy in white is wesley~ the kid in blue was they're neighbor~ isnt wesley cute? he dance well too~ remi also is a great dancer~ alqing is a baby~ I think he was sleeping when this was taken~
Here's a family picture!~

Of me and bam and remi and wesley!~ we all look cho cute!~
they also had a rabbit~ the rabbit's name was co plicated and hard to remember!~
haha!~ when me and my other friends got together in the court~ with all the kids~ we played lots of games~
Here are a few pictures~
yeah~ we all ate Ice cream too!~ haha!~
I think the guys look cho funny~ haha!
A group picture with some of the kids!~ oh!~ our shirt code was blue~ forgot to tell you~
here's another group picture~
This is a cute picture~ haha!~ Im with bubut~
here's a cho funny group pic~ edited by Bubut~
We were all being emo's~
even the kids posed as emo's~ we are cho feeling it!~ haha!~
And here's a picture when we were on our way home~
That's Sarah~ I was calling my mom to tell her to pick me up at school~
That was a fun day~
we are going back there on march!~ for 2 days!~ cant wait to see the kids again~ teehee!~
anyway~ moving on with S/mileage~ The Suki Chan full Mp3 is out!~
i posted a video on YT with the Mp3~
this song is my fave. out of the all the indie's they released~ cause this has Kanon all over it!~ and almost all the lines were equal~ although dawa's solo's are chorter than the others~ i think they have almost the same amount~ of course!~ i will dub and dance cover this!~
So~ this is a blog with lots of pictures~ tis been a while since I blogged correctly and complete~ was cho busy withcase study crap~ (Sociology)
So~ will go now~

Here's a family picture!~

they also had a rabbit~ the rabbit's name was co plicated and hard to remember!~

Here are a few pictures~

here's another group picture~

here's a cho funny group pic~ edited by Bubut~

And here's a picture when we were on our way home~

That was a fun day~

anyway~ moving on with S/mileage~ The Suki Chan full Mp3 is out!~

this song is my fave. out of the all the indie's they released~ cause this has Kanon all over it!~ and almost all the lines were equal~ although dawa's solo's are chorter than the others~ i think they have almost the same amount~ of course!~ i will dub and dance cover this!~

So~ this is a blog with lots of pictures~ tis been a while since I blogged correctly and complete~ was cho busy with
So~ will go now~