Tomorrow, my friends and I plan to go to Enchanted Kingdom~
its like Disney Land~ only smaller and its in the Philippines~
and there are no disney characters there~ just the magic wizard which is the main "mascot" of Enchanted kingdom~
its pretty far from where i live~ but we already have transportation~ while i was fixing my things for tomorrow~ there was a dilemma~ a problem with the transportation~
our transpo is my friend Koy's car~ but she said there was a little problem~
we kept changing plans and its kinda getting annoying~ i already asked permission for saturday and my mom said ok~ (saturday was the original plan) then a while ago~ they changed it to tomorrow since they said EK would be very crowded on saturday since school has ended and sembreak's started~ 
so~ i asked a while ago if its ok tomorrow~ and my mom said ok~ but we might change it back to saturday~ and its kinda annoying to keep on asking without a definite answer~
*sigh* they even plan to move it on monday~ but i dont think that will be done~
they also said if its alright on sunday~ im like~ its family day~ so~ there would be more people since families aside from friends are also there~ and my parents wont allow me on sunday~ and a few of my friends as well~ so its either tomorrow (Friday)~ or Saturday~ but i do hope its tomorrow since i have planned out already how the day's going to be~
how i'll go to the meeting place and how i'll go home~ but we're still not done talking about it~ so~ im still not sure~ *sigh*
well~ let's move on and pray that we go tomorrow!~ I just realized that i havent told you guys yet that I'm in a new cover group~
its a 4nin cover group~ with Me, Airu,Andry and Miyu!~ and we're called Ryuusei/Shii
(Shooting Star/Four)
Miyu's putting up our YT account~ but she's not yet finished with it~ I created out Blog!~
check it out!~
RS blog:
Im still going to edit the banner~ and maybe the background and add navigation's~ its still not complete~ im not yet satisfied with it~
But we're still thinking of our 1st single~
I hope you guys subscribe to us!~
Im kinda sleepy right now~
and im still not sure of what the plan is~ haha!
I do hope we go tomorrow~
Merry Christmas To Everyone!
so~ i asked a while ago if its ok tomorrow~ and my mom said ok~ but we might change it back to saturday~ and its kinda annoying to keep on asking without a definite answer~
well~ let's move on and pray that we go tomorrow!~ I just realized that i havent told you guys yet that I'm in a new cover group~
Miyu's putting up our YT account~ but she's not yet finished with it~ I created out Blog!~
RS blog:
Im still going to edit the banner~ and maybe the background and add navigation's~ its still not complete~ im not yet satisfied with it~
I hope you guys subscribe to us!~
Im kinda sleepy right now~
and im still not sure of what the plan is~ haha!
I do hope we go tomorrow~
Merry Christmas To Everyone!