So~ its kinda late here~ but im still watching Disney movie UP in dvd~ i love that movie so much!~ i cried a lot!~
just wanted to blog about something~ even though i already blogged today~ haha!~

anyway~ if you notice~ I change layout again~ but now~ its personalized!~
im just waiting for my best friend bam to upload some of our newest pics in FB~ but she hasnt uploaded it yet~ so i had to use other pictures~ bam's not in my banner~
I dont have a picture together with her that's good~

oh well~ i also just finished downloading Wizards of Waverly Place the movie~ i think justin and alex look good together~ too bad they're siblings in the show~
they were so close in the movie i forgot they were siblings~

ok~ so~ i download lots of icons and new emoticons~
I was plurking a while ago and i was talking with janvic-chan~ and we were talking about desserts~ we actually talked about ice cream~ and i ate Strawberry ice cream~ I LOVE strawberry!~i was actually planning in filling my banner design with lots of strawberry~ but there wont be room for myself~

talking about strawberry makes me hungry~
got twix!~ one of my favorite chocolates!~ also kitkat and recess~
I love caramel,milk chocolate, and peanut butter!~
I want the last icon!~ i want to eat cereal with lots of strawberry in it!~ that's some heavy breakfast!~ no wonder im a pig~
haha! i wont post everything since im a lazy person~

I so want starbucks strawberry shake right now~ or krispy kreme's new Oreo shake~ i was drinking that when we watched New Moon~
Todays saturday~ so... -counting- only... 4 days left till thursday~ and you know what happens on thursday?~ aside from the showing of Kimi ni Todoke episode 10~ my dad's finally home!~ banzai!~

I want to blog more since i want to try out all my new emoticons~ but rippers are scary~ you never know~ well~
I wanna watch now~ while eating twix~