School Pictures.

Bam already posted the pictures i was waiting for~ so~ i changed my banner~ the new picture there is me with bam!~ haha!~ thanks for the pictures bam!


right now~ im watching Little Rascals in HBO family~I love that movie!~ when i was little i always watch that movie!~

anyway~ here are a few pictures that was taken in a random classroom~haha!~

yeah~that's bam~ haha!~ we just used her cellphone to take the pictures~ there are only a few~ but i still wont post everything~ again~ a very lazy person~haha!~

This picture makes my hair long~ haha!~ Im growing my hair long now~ it wont grow cause i keep cutting it~*sigh* anyway~ this year i wont!~

Here are other pictures~

This pic is the one i put in my banner~ yeah~ i like pouting my lips like that!~
oh!~ this is a really cute picture of me with my classmate's project~ i forgot to take a picture of mine so~ haha!~

tis have something to do with christmas~

I think its cho cute!~ its a christmas truck with lots of gifts!~ some are real toys some are also made with cardboard~

woo~ im super excited for christmas!~ i get to wear cute outfits and get lots of money~
Today's sunday~ so~ my grandmothers are coming~ yeah~ i have a lot~haha!~

Well~ have to take a bath now~ before the grannies come~ i hope my cousins will come too!~

"Nareru kana?"