Yeah~ today's my last day of bumming around~
i go back to school tomorrow and i still haven't started my assignment yet~
I guess I'll cram later~
so, I changed my banner~ and yes~ the one who made it is the oh-so-ever-great suki-sama!~
thanks so much for making this Buono! banner for me~
suki's making me another one~ but with my pictures!~
haha! yeah~ you all know I'm vain~ 
Anyway~ my mom and i will go shop later after lunch~
and its a little dark here~ its almost 12 noon and it still looks like 7 am~
we're going to watch a movie! 
and probably eat out~
So~ the reason why my blog title is Cute Latte is because of this cute picture!

I got this from Magi's blog~ Isnt this cute!?~
i probably wont drink this~ i'll just look at it! haha!
Oh yeah~ recently~ when i visit michigo and shinju's blog's~ they're tagboard is being spammed by haters!
I feel sorry for michigo and shinju~ they didnt even do anything to those people~
i dont get it why they would hate them so much~
I dont want to reply cause it will only cause more trouble to the owner of the tagboard~ But i just can't stand reading those pathetic comments~
the haters say that the others who defend michigo and shinju, are pathetic losers, because they dont even know michigo and shinju in real life, so why are they standing up to them~ and they call kibon-chan a fake friend~
i think they are more pathetic dont you think?~ they also dont know michigo and shinju in real life, but they hate them~ what's there to hate?~
well~ at least michigo deleted her cbox and changed it to shoutmix so the spam are all gone~ i hope shinjuchi will do the same~
At least they stopped now~ here's a lesson~ if there are haters spamming on you~ you dont have to answer to them~ just ignore them~
Sorry if i had to post about that~ i absolutely got nothing to post about~
well~ it's almost time for lunch~
will blog again probably later tonight~ while doing my homeworks~ haha!~
again~ suki-sama! arigatou gozaimashita!
Anyway~ my mom and i will go shop later after lunch~
and probably eat out~
So~ the reason why my blog title is Cute Latte is because of this cute picture!
I got this from Magi's blog~ Isnt this cute!?~
Oh yeah~ recently~ when i visit michigo and shinju's blog's~ they're tagboard is being spammed by haters!
well~ at least michigo deleted her cbox and changed it to shoutmix so the spam are all gone~ i hope shinjuchi will do the same~
At least they stopped now~ here's a lesson~ if there are haters spamming on you~ you dont have to answer to them~ just ignore them~
Sorry if i had to post about that~ i absolutely got nothing to post about~
well~ it's almost time for lunch~
again~ suki-sama! arigatou gozaimashita!