Ichigo Dessert! イちご

So!~ again~ im kind of busy so im not updating daily as i used to~ but here's a really yummy post about my strawberry desserts~ yum yum! so! when my mom and dad picked me up from school~ we went to the grocery, then i saw this HUGE bag of Marshmallows, it was like a promo, and~ i wanted it. So! i begged my mom to buy it for me~ and there were different kinds of marshmallows, flower cloud swirl chocolate, but what i got was... The strawberry pack! since it was cute!~ and i love strawberries~

Yes, its big! and the strawberry shape is so cute! even though it looks deformed. of course~ they're marshmallows!anyway~yes! of course~ me being vain~ took a picture with it!


yay! well~ the other sweet i wanna show ya' is a japanese brand chocolate~ im sure you've heard of Meiji~
well~ its Apollo meiji strawberry chocolate!~

I really love this chocolate!~ anyway~ i was thinking of changing the way of how i blog~ kinda like Kanon's way~ haha! yeah~ a Kanon fan here! i apologize for my fangirlyness!

Im still trying to look for a new layout~ im kinda lazy making my own~ and honestly~ im not that good~

So! if you have free time and want to help me~ then please!

so~ that's it~ im hungry~ so i'll eat~

それ じゃ