Short Hair!


when inapi came to manila~ I told her i wanted to cut my hair short like Kanons~

But i told her, after a month or so~ i would tell myself~ i wish i didnt cut my hair~

I always change my mind since i really like long hairs! haha!

But.. Alas! i have cut it!



Yes!!~ it's like a boy cut!

Although the BEFORE pic was taken 2 months ago~ so my hair is longer now~ kinda like Kanon's hair in their 2nd indies single~ Asu wa deeto~

I told Inapi about me cutting my hair~

she said~

Why'd you cut it!!??? after a few days you'll say, awww, i wish i didnt cut my hair xDDD

I told her~..... I might!


so~ does it look good??~