
Just got back home from school~ today was a tiring day! Wth is with Thesis?
I should have taken a course that doesn't have thesis.
At least Im hoping that Friday is a holiday. I dont wanna watch Teachers day as well. Oh!
a while ago in our Critical Thinking class, we watched a film.... and it was Exorcism of Emily Rose, and we were like, what?
why that movie?
anyway, speaking of critical thinking class, last month, there was a time when we were having a quiz
, the teacher left for a while, and you know what's funny?
everyone in my row suddenly felt like sleeping

There's me! the one nearest to the door who's also sleeping!
my classmate Shaoi was the one who is smiling at the back.
yes! everyone should rest when the teacher is gone.

well! will go read manga to relax my mind from all these thesis stuff.

Just got back home from school~ today was a tiring day! Wth is with Thesis?
anyway, speaking of critical thinking class, last month, there was a time when we were having a quiz
everyone in my row suddenly felt like sleeping
There's me! the one nearest to the door who's also sleeping!
yes! everyone should rest when the teacher is gone.
well! will go read manga to relax my mind from all these thesis stuff.