Ninja Jump!!


So, last friday and saturday, our group (for our literature finals) had an overnight party at our groupmate Hillary's condo at Icon Towers Global City The Fort. Yes!! its a very high class place~ our group enjoyed it there so much!!!~and we recorded a lot of stuff (our finals is a movie adaptation of a chosen novel) and we even had a simple outdoor photoshoot! I did a lot of jump shots! we all did jump shots, but I tried to do a lot of Ninja jumps!

yes... if you still dont know, my ultimate dream is to become a ninja~

I'm actually holding a Kunai (from naruto) but you can't see it since it kinda blended with my hair color~
aside from this, I had another one~

This is also kinda cute~ but me and my friend sarah also did a bunch of Ninja jump shots together~
we kinda looked weird but it was really fun and tiring to jump around like that for quite some time~

Here's the first shot~

This is a really cute shot right? it looked like we merged our bodies just like a robot in some animes~ haha!
you cant really see me though but still, this shot looks cute!
Here's the other shot!

I like my pose here~ but sarah looks really weird!~ it's like she's carrying someone!! this was really hilarious and we were panting after this really tiring photoshoot~

I actually have a lot more photos~ but it's really tiring to go through all of them! haha!
Today is March 12,2012 so, I would like to take this opportunity to greet my favorite S/mileage member and over all favorite Hello!Project member, Kanon Fukuda! 福田花音 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

 She's 17 today! Happy birthday Kanon~ I'm so glad she's growing her hair long again!!~ haha! I think it suits her! haha! 

That's all for today~