So recently, I've been having these small talks with my one and only idol~ Fluffy-sama

when I say small talks, its just really short~ and its only through PM in YT~but having her reply to me is like a dream come true!!
Thank you so much for replying to my message Fluffy-sama!
I hope we can have longer chats in the future and I will support you if ever you need my help in anything! (except for crimes~ well, if its a Yaoi crime I dont mind
Also, a lot of people have been wondering about the Drama CD of Kisa x Yukina, well, it hasn't officially been released yet. And unfortunately, the CD will only be released in Japan (so far) and an est. of 10,000 people can obtain a copy, since you can only get one through raffle from Ciel Magazine
(I think). Although the deadline was last March, the winners will be announce this May or June. So! lets hope that there's a kind soul somewhere who would share it!
(through internet I mean....)
I really wanna hear a Kisa moan!!!!
and I wanna hear a grunting Yukina~

I wonder if the VA of the Drama CD is the same as in the Anime~ I hope it is! like with the Drama CD of Ritsu X Takano and Chiaki X Hatori!
(well, I think they are the same VA's as the one in the Anime since they sound so much alike
I hope they announce it soon so that by June or July, some kind soul would have shared it to us! (I'm really hoping for that
I hope more news about the 3rd season of Junjou Romantica will come out!
like the details as to when it will air and the number of episodes and such~
Argh! I hope they release it soon!
I miss the Misaki X Usagi moments~

(I also love Hiro X Nowaki)

Well! that's all for now! again! please visit Fluffy-sama's Blog or YouTube~
The link is on the sidebar of my blog~ You'll love her! she's a Yaoi master!
I'm actually making a Manga vid right now~ I'm gonna try to upload it later or tomorrow~ it's Bukiyou na Silent by Takanaga Hinako. I have all the available Drama CD's and it was one of my top fave. mangas! (I love my Awkward boy and Baseball player pairing!) So! imma try to do a manga video of it~ *Fluffy-sama is the inspiration!*
So recently, I've been having these small talks with my one and only idol~ Fluffy-sama
when I say small talks, its just really short~ and its only through PM in YT~but having her reply to me is like a dream come true!!
I hope we can have longer chats in the future and I will support you if ever you need my help in anything! (except for crimes~ well, if its a Yaoi crime I dont mind
Also, a lot of people have been wondering about the Drama CD of Kisa x Yukina, well, it hasn't officially been released yet. And unfortunately, the CD will only be released in Japan (so far) and an est. of 10,000 people can obtain a copy, since you can only get one through raffle from Ciel Magazine
I really wanna hear a Kisa moan!!!!

I wonder if the VA of the Drama CD is the same as in the Anime~ I hope it is! like with the Drama CD of Ritsu X Takano and Chiaki X Hatori!
I hope they announce it soon so that by June or July, some kind soul would have shared it to us! (I'm really hoping for that
like the details as to when it will air and the number of episodes and such~
Argh! I hope they release it soon!
I miss the Misaki X Usagi moments~

Well! that's all for now! again! please visit Fluffy-sama's Blog or YouTube~
The link is on the sidebar of my blog~ You'll love her! she's a Yaoi master!
I'm actually making a Manga vid right now~ I'm gonna try to upload it later or tomorrow~ it's Bukiyou na Silent by Takanaga Hinako. I have all the available Drama CD's and it was one of my top fave. mangas! (I love my Awkward boy and Baseball player pairing!) So! imma try to do a manga video of it~ *Fluffy-sama is the inspiration!*