Sorry for neglecting you my dear blog! haha! and it's already 2013!
Just quick updates from me before I go on to the reminiscing part~ already finished cleaning the 70 pages of Kaminari Soda last 31st of December, and I'm cleaning a brand new manga but it's not Yaoi, but it does seem interesting~ so once it's released please give it a whirl! My school starts this tuesday so... back to studying..
but only a month to go and we're done!! it's practice for graduation then graduation day!! can't wait for it! *fidgets*
So! yesterday we had dinner as an early birthday celebration for my mom!
we just had simple dinner at home, with my older brother with her pregnant girlfriend! I'm gonna be an aunt! *JUMPS* and my younger brother with her girlfriend! (she's become a good friend of mine)
Dinner table!
BUWAHAHAHA!! I love them thin and red~ bloody hell! well, on to the late new year post, aside from performing and earning 6,000 php, we had a cousin bonding at bubble tea!
well, it was my and my 2nd cousins~ haha! but we're very close even if they're not my first cousins, haha! But it was so much fun! and the place was so cute!
Sorry for neglecting you my dear blog! haha! and it's already 2013!
So! yesterday we had dinner as an early birthday celebration for my mom!
Dinner table!
Sorry if it's dark and blurry, we don't have bright light at home, we all love the darkness...
nyahahaha! -shot-
Sharryl even bought J.CO donuts! so happy!!! (but I do like Krispy Kreme better) hehe
It was very sweet of her to bring donuts! more dessert! yay! I haven't uploaded the picture of the cake yet, (even though it's just chocolate mousse, it's my mom's favorite) I will post it in Insatagram later~ Please do greet my mom if you know her! haha! Speaking of food... we had this awesome steak for christmas!
I think it was prime rib or whatever, but I do like em' raw and bloody!
BUWAHAHAHA!! I love them thin and red~ bloody hell! well, on to the late new year post, aside from performing and earning 6,000 php, we had a cousin bonding at bubble tea!
The food was fantastic! I ordered the BBQ Burger steak, rice, and I ordered Royal Milk tea, I spent 310 php just for food.. but mayn, they tasted so good! haha! The Royal Milk tea was awesome!! It was sooooo good!!! I really loved it!
well, I'm tired of typing now, so...