I wouldn't call it "shopping" since I only bought like.. 2 items (and they were small too..) anyway, I saw them from one of my good online friends Hachi! Or I like to call her senpai since she's kind of an expert in a lot of things~ 
So the items she bought were iphone cases and accessories, and I loved them so bad I also bought them!
It's a kuroko casing and... A home assist button! Brief ver!
I actually ordered the black silicon ver of kuroko's case, but instead they sent me just the regular black case, then again, I should've gotten the white one~ urgh.. But it's still cute!!
Hohoho! I got just one of the briefs, and it was the one without the bulge unfortunately, I wasn't able to order the one with the bulge because it was out of stock, but they were cheap! The casing had all Kiseki no Sedai ver! I planned to buy everything, but it might cost a lot.. So just one for now~
Oh yeah~ using rei's (ryugazaki rei) body as a model for the brief, (covering his speedo) I'm treating my phone as my boyfriend since.. I don't have a real one~ ahahaha!!!
Oh! And... Happy birthday to my new friend Adora!!!
There she is in the middle~ haha! I've known her for almost a month now, I met her at the office~ she's like my mentor! And I thank her for teaching me a lot of things!! Happy birthday again!!!
Well~ that's all for today and... It's still raining~